Crops: Tomato Insect Pests

Tomato Fruitworm - Helicoverpa zea (Lepidoptera)

  • Monophagous in nature.
  • Female moth has bright yellowish forewings with a distinct black spot at the center with brownish yellow tuft of hair at the tip of abdomen. Hind wings are straw coloured.
  • Full grown larva is (2.5 cm) yellowish white with orange yellow head.
  • Newly hatched larvae hang down by silken thread, enter the leaf sheath, feed for 2-3 days and then bore into the stem, usually 5-10 cm above the water level.
  • One of the most damaging insect pests of tomato
  • The larvae are variable in color, ranging from pale yellow, to red, to green, to brown with pale stripes running lengthwise.
  • Young larvae have several rows of black bumps along their backs and two bristle-like hairs in each bump.
  • Older larvae are densely covered with microscopic spines that make the larvae feel rough.
  • Fruit worms overwinter as pupae in the top 2-6 inches of soil.
  • The moths lay eggs at night on leaves near green fruit. Eggs are white when first laid and develop a reddish brown band 24 hr before hatching.
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