Female moth has bright yellowish forewings with a distinct black spot at the center with brownish yellow tuft of hair at the tip of abdomen. Hind wings are straw coloured.
Full grown larva is (2.5 cm) yellowish white with orange yellow head.
Newly hatched larvae hang down by silken thread, enter the leaf sheath, feed for 2-3 days and then bore into the stem, usually 5-10 cm above the water level.
The attacked plants show "dead heart" in vegetative stage and "white ear" at panicle formation
Since the egg masses are laid on upper half of leaves, clipping the tops of leaf blade before transplanting is recommended.
Harvesting the crop close to soil surface, ploughing or flooding the field after harvest kills the larvae hibernating in the stubbles.
The insecticidal application may be commenced when 5% dead hearts, 1 % white ear or 1 egg mass or adult per m2 are seen.